Thursday, 13 July 2023

Cob on

Steve has a cob on and has done since Saturday. I've no idea what has upset him, it's probably not me or he would have said.

He has been huffing and puffing, banging and crashing all week. He missed the afternoon get togethers from Saturday through Tuesday but did go y'day for a short time.

I won't ask him what's upset him as my lack of sympathy and understanding will cause another sulk.

I'm waiting for him to go to the tip with Harry before I start today's chores. I won't do housework when he's indoors as his constant instructions on how to do jobs correctly drives me mad. Yes I have tried suggesting he does the jobs himself, he just gets very hurt and says he was only trying to help.

I need to sort out one of the kitchen cupboards, I shall make up a food parcel for Cass, not that she is in need. But there is stuff that we no longer use and she can probably use it up.

I particularly want to count the bottles of BBQ sauce as there seems to be lots.


Col said...

My husband's out in our drive, a couple of flagstones by the gates have sunk a bit, so he's levelling them up and concreting them back in.
This means I'm clearing out my kitchen cupboards and rearranging things without help, which is fine by me!
He's not at all like your Steve, I think I'd have buried him in the garden by now if he was, but he honestly does think he's helping, when actually he's just getting in my way!
I've been intending to do the kitchen for a week now, but have always found an excuse not to, but this morning I'm ashamed of it, I've not been putting things away properly, and it's just a dumping ground at present. It's clean, but you'd never guess, it just looks dreadful!
We've changed the way we eat, so I'm eliminating some bits and bobs from cupboards, the biscuit tin needs to be smaller these days, and the fruit bowl larger, and I need to swap things around so that I have easier access to my Magimix, it's not used enough when it's stuck in a corner. The fridge freezer in the kitchen has a very tidy fridge part, but the freezer drawers are in absolute chaos, I can't find anything any more!
Once the kitchen's sorted, I'll have to pull my big girl knickers on, and attack the big chest freezer in the garage, it's full of all sorts, but again, there's no order, and I have no idea what's below the first layer! I hate sorting it out, it's huge, and deep, and although I'm really tall, I can barely reach into the bottom of it, which makes my back pain worse, so it'll be a couple of Tramadol and get on with it! That's a job for tomorrow though!
Take care! Col X

Ellen D. said...

I understand that you are staying with Steve "for better or worse" and "in sickness and in health" but I don't think you are helping each other. The whole situation is getting worse and I wonder if you both would be better off on your own. I'm sorry to be so blunt but I don't know why you stay if he doesn't want you to and you don't want to either. I apologize if this sounds mean but I worry about you. I wish you peace...

Chris said...

It's amazing how some items seem to multiply in the back corners of cupboards! Mine is mustard. I like a really spicy horseradish mustard and thought I had run out the other day. When I went to put the new one away, there was another in the exact same spot. Go figure!

Donna said...

I say, you need to let him know you've had Enough! Tell him to Stop Bit@hi%g and go find something to do...and if he doesn't like it, tell him to get out. You're Done.
Do this knowing he might just leave...but you'll finally have peace. Then again, you've probably never put your foot down and it may just shock him into really listening to you and realizing how wonderful a wife you are to him!
I'm praying for you to find happiness!
big hug

flis said...

I told mine that I was looking for a place for me and my dogs at Xmas - He was well behaved then for perhaps 3 days and then he resumed his usual negativity - I really think he's happier in misery like his deceased mother was for them 43 years that I suffered her x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...