Sunday, 2 July 2023

Hissing Sid

 Spent 40 minutes today trying to track down a hissing noise.

It sounded like gas escaping, only there is no gas to the flat.

Turns out it was Steve, he claims he was singing!!


Nelliegrace said...

“He only does it to annoy, because he knows it teases!” Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

Mum chose not to wear her hearing aids because they meant she was at Dad’s beck and call. He was perfectly able to make his own cup of tea.
Her reading room was an old caravan at the top of the garden and her sewing room was upstairs.

Catriona said...

Hilarious!! Catriona

kate steeper said...

men...a thousand annoying habits in one

Ellen D. said...

You always make me feel glad that I am divorced!?! :)

flis. said...

Thank goodness mine's mislayed his mouth organ x

A Smaller and Simpler Life said...

I think you should also start singing ... but VERY loudly. See how long it is before he complains, and then say your hearing aids are faulty and you thought you were singing quietly. ;-)

Lyssa Medana said...

We once drove for several hours while worrying about an unnerving hissing noise in the car. It was before I could drive and before DH was a confident driver and we were panicking. It didn't seem to be the tyres, there were no warning lights and we just kept on driving while on absolute pins.

We had a two litre bottle of pepsi in the boot and it developed a slow leak.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...