Friday, 21 July 2023

Sticky Willies

Poor Beano chose to run through a patch of grass this morning on his walk.

Unfortunately the grass was full of Cleavers otherwise known as sticky willies.

It took ages to walk home  as Beano kept stopping to try and remove the Cleavers from his feet.

By the time we arrived home the fur around his mouth was covered in them.

I'm removing them in batches and letting him rest in between as he doesn't like having them dragged out of his fur. Some of them I'm cutting out but I need a steady hand trimming his beard.


Ellen D. said...

I have never heard of sticky willies before. Poor Beano!

SueJay said...

Poor Beano. I grew up in Bedfordshire and we called it goose grass. I’d not heard it called sticky willies until fairly recently.

Corinne said...

We always called it sticky jack, in County Durham. Poor Beano. Poor you having such an awful job with it. It's bad enough getting the seeds off socks and trousers.

LameWolf said...

Oh, those things are horrible! When Ronnie, also a long-haired Jack Russell, used to stay with me, he often got them in his fur, and like Beano, he wasn't keen on having them removed.

A Smaller and Simpler Life said...

Aww poor Beano. Our long haired collie used to get herself covered in them, she loved running through long grass and through hedges. It would take a lot of patience to clean her up afterwards. Luckily our two dogs now are shorter haired and they don't seem to be as bothered by them.

Being careful.

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