Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Favourite chlid.

Do you have a favourite child?

I know it's not acceptable to have a favourite child but I also know it happens.

My first mother in law used to take each of her son's aside and tell them he was he favourite, but not to tell the other.

My second mother in law's favourite was her second born son, it was outstandingly obvious and caused all sorts of family problems.

My sister in law only loved one of her three sons and was devastated when he announced he was gay.

I'm very lucky as I don't have a favourite child though when they were teenagers I used to joke that my favourite was the one who hasn't pissed me off that day.

I was my father's favourite child but not my mothers. I am an only child!

My mother's favourite was the family dog, closely followed by the son of a family friend. He was the son she never had. She was devastated when he was killed in an accident.


ana s. said...

My brother, who was the first boy, was my parent's favorite. It did damage him since he thought life should be easy. Took him until he was around 40 to figure out life was hard and it was up to him.

flis said...

I was shocked to witness the shocking way my to be mother in law spoke to her son - To add to this her adult daughter copied her - her Son walked on eggshells around her and sister- I kept out of it for years as I was scared of her - Until a few years ago I'd had enough and she was affecting me badly - I calmly told her that her behaviour was unacceptable and why - She went mad and so did her churchy daughter - They raged - Tough x

Carol said...

I have 3 sons and one daughter. They are "my favorite oldest son," "my favorite middle son," "my favorite youngest son," and "my favorite daughter." Thus they all think of themselves as my favorite.

Donna said...

I know how it feels to be forgotten by your mother...I was the apple of my Dad's eye...but you never stop wishing...

Anonymous said...

I was told straight out by my mother that I was an unwanted baby; and my father treated me worse than something he'd scraped off his shoe - but I later discovered (from my aunt) that a) my mother was in denial about being pregnant right up to the night I was born, and b) there is considerable room for doubt as to whether my father actually was my biological father. 'Nuff said, methinks! Oh yes, and I'm an only child. I am, naturally, estranged from my family.

I chose not to have children myself (I must've been in the loo when maternal instinct was dished out, as I didn't get any) but I am always very happy for anyone who has a child that they really want, and will love unconditionally.

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs

I was never pretty enough for my father nor clever enough for my mother. And I came close to violence with my MIL when she just didn't believe in her son.

When my brother was fostering two dogs, I'd never take just one toy or pack of treats - it would always been fair shares, even for dogs. I'd never treat one kid and leave others out. My view is that love over flows and there's plenty to go around. If there isn't, then it isn't love.

ShellyC said...

My big brother was always the golden child. It was blatantly obvious

Fiona A said...

My mother has a favourite grandchild - my daughter. So so unfair on my son. When he was born my mother said ' So you've got the son you've always wanted ' because she was convinced I only wanted boys. My mother dislikes boys as she was convinced her mother favoured her brother. Sadly, at the age of ten, my son asked me why his grandmother didn't like him as well as my daugther - I couldn't answer.

A Smaller and Simpler Life said...

I joke to my two sons that I don't have a favourite child, I dislike them both equally. They know I don't mean it, I love them both to bits ... equally.

I once mentioned in passing to my only brother that he was our 'Mum's favourite son', he really didn't get it and phoned me up later to ask why I thought my Mum didn't like me. Actually she didn't much for a time when I was a teenager, but we patched things up once I got married.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...