Thursday, 6 July 2023

What a bunch of plonkers!

We attended a meeting this morning about where we live.

The housing association has decided to concentrate on rented properties and sell our flats, along with some others that they own. 

There were four male residents at the meeting and about a dozen females.

Steve and I have had discussions about this and decided that we'd buy our freehold if enough other people were doing the same.

The three male residents immediately got into a pissing competition, two of them claiming they could afford to buy the freehold for all twenty plus flats, one resident claims to have a friend who will purchase the freehold.

None of them asked any sensible questions, they were too busy explaining how rich they were. One man boasted of where he used to live and how many millions he sold his house for. I used to work near there. None of the houses ever sold for millions

No sensible questions were asked so the meeting was a complete waste of time.


Lyssa Medana said...

It's amazing how a couple of egos can completely derail a meeting.

Sending good vibes x

Catriona said...

I find a couple of egos dominate most meetings! Catriona

Ellen D. said...

Oh, I hope you won't have to move.

flis said...

I think it may just boil down to some- Who has the biggest x

Anonymous said...

I don't understand. You paid to remodel a bathroom in a apartment you don't own?
I'm sorry you going through this.

Martha x said...

Is your property a leasehold so you own the property but not the land it’s on. If that’s the case I hope you had permission for the bathroom renovation.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...