Monday, 10 July 2023


Steve decided some time in April he was no longer prepared to eat the food I cook as it's shite.

Therefore he did not want me to cook for him. This was ok by me as he's a very fussy eater and feeding him was complicated and expensive.

After a while he realised that it was hard work making a meal three times a day every day for himself and he wanted me to take over again.

There are a couple of evening meals I will still make and if I'm having a sandwich for lunch I will offer to make him one, but apart from that, it's down to Steve.

Both the freezers are full to bursting of deep fried rubbish.

Beano had an upset stomach today, I think Steve fed him too much roast beef y'day. I walked him a At 5:30, 7:15, 8:30, 9:15, 10:10 and 12:30. Then he decided to sleep until mid afternoon. He's had two more walks and is now asleep on the sofa. Steve's been out almost all day so Beano's tummy has had a rest.


flis said...

Poor Beano - My dogs can't eat much beef - just occasionally as a treat as they get the runs - I have to watch my beloved when he's in the kitchen now ( also when he's eating ) as he really cannot be trusted any longer x

ana s. said...

I made a cauliflower pie today and my husband commented on how much work it was. Yes, homemade food is more complex to make than a processed meal that is heated in the microwave. Duh. We have been married 50 years and he can still come up with such a strange comment.

Our big freezer broke so we are eating more fresh food and it is much better for us.

I want a private chef. Maybe in another life.

Col said...

We've always eaten well, but are now eating a lot less meat and a lot more fish.
As we get older, we seem to get 'stuffed' with food far more quickly, and what used to be an average sized meal for us has suddenly become a bit too filling,
We still eat enormous amounts of fresh veg though, I'm sure we both have at least 12 servings a day. Fortunately we both love veggies, especially anything dark green!
I don't know how you cope with Steve, the food 'thing' would drive me mad!

LameWolf said...

Poor little Beano. :-(
I hope he's feeling a lot better now, and can be kept away from Steve when he's messing about with food.

Martha x said...

Poor Beano I hope he feels better soon.
Try him with some chicken and rice when his tummy is upset next time.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...