Sunday, 8 March 2015

Achieved a lot

I have achieved quite a lot this weekend, but most of it not what I was aiming to achieve.

I have packed up all the items I sold on ebay & they will all be posted tomorrow.
I've seen all my kids, an early Mothers Day, they all have other plans for the actual day.

I've managed to dry most of the washing outside, made a batch of leek & potato soup and a banana loaf.

My oldest son & his GF are moving again, this time to Whitechapel, my youngest is buying a house with his GF, they will only be a 5 minute walk from me if they get the house they want.

I've done a lot of sewing, but it is all paid for sewing or repairs on clothes for the DGC. I've still not got any of my own sewing done.

I've done some housework, but nowhere near as much as I'd hoped and I haven't made any more inroads on my sewing room.

However my L&M is on lates next week so I will have a few long evenings on my own so maybe I'll get some more stuff done next week.

On Monday I need to get the car topped up with fuel & buy some dishwasher tablets, then I have to collect DGD & take her to gym club.

Tuesday I have to take some forms into town to get some paperwork completed and then I'm babysitting.

Wednesday I am booking one of the DGD into some dance lessons & I'm taking DGS to his after school pottery class.

Hmm, maybe I won't get much done after all!


Pam said...

My word, you don't let the dust settle do you. You will get around to your sewing, sooner or later. Much later from the sound of it.

Linda Metcalf said...

There's always more and more for us to do but isn't it grand when it's for family!

Red the Elder said...

Boy, you had a busy time, hopefully soon you might squeeze in time for your sewing.
Have the same "problem" myself and thinking about moving when my lease is up, also looking for something cheaper (always!) and more "country", Albany is looking good, and 4 hrs drive from where I live now, so can be available in emergencies only! Sneaky, I know, but I'm getting too old for looking out for teenagers!

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...