Friday, 6 March 2015

To paraphrase my friend, You Tube in my friend

My friend Sybil often says 'Ebay is my friend' when she is hunting for something obscure. 
This evening You Tube has been my friend, DGD Eileen is staying & she loves dance of all sorts. So tonight we used You Tube to watch ballet some Coppelia & Swan Lake. We also watched, line dancing, belly dancing, some Riverdance & the Cancan.
Eileen watched what the dancers were doing & then copied them in great detail, we will try & get her signed up for dance classes as soon as we can, she will really enjoy it I'm sure.


lynda said...

So lovely she has you to encourage and help her do what interests her! You're a terrific grand mum!

Linda Metcalf said...

My daughter and granddaughter both took dance and I believe it gave them a bit of discipline. The only off for me was the recitals that required 3 or 4 expensive costumes every other year!

Lyssa Medana said...

You would be surprised what I've found on YouTube as well...

... ie how to do a French seam. I am glad that she had a lovely time. WS xxx

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Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...