Sunday, 12 July 2015

Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.

I was chatting to the partner of hubby's friend James when she suddenly said to me.
'I could never marry James you know'.
I wasn't sure why she suddenly felt the need to share this with me as we hadn't been talking about men or marriage, so I just replied with a non committal 'Mmm'.
She continued 'James isn't smart enough, sometimes when we are going out, I sent him back to get changed.' She explained 'He only has one small pile of clothes whereas I had 4 wardrobes full'.
She asked if I had to tell my L&M what to wear when we went out, but I replied that my hubby like to look smart & that I never told him what to wear.
She then said that another reason for not marrying James was that he couldn't offer her the lifestyle she had enjoyed with her husband as he'd been a high powered business man and they'd lived in a 4 bed detached house, this was the husband who'd left her with 3 small children & run off  with his secretary.
Maybe I should have told her I'd had a 6 bed house with almost a quarter acre of garden with my first husband & was now much happier in a small house with a kind husband.


Tracey said...

It is my pet hate when people moan about their other half: it makes me want to shout, "well you bl**dy chose them!"

Angela said...

My beloved and I have been very fond of that Bible Verse since we first met - it always makes us smile [esp when I accidentally add too many herbs in the cooking] Our love is what binds us together- not our material possessions. And I wouldn't dream of telling him what to wear - or feel embarrassed by his choice of outfit. And as for 'providing a fancy lifestyle' - ha ha!! I do believe there are some women out there who will never be satisfied. Which is so sad for them. May your weekend be full of love; laughter, and sunshine...God's FREE gifts to us!!

kate steeper said...

22 years with a man who everyone thought was wonderful , yes he was gorgeous and we had the all the trappings , but he was scum who never supported me and belittled me every step of the way , plus he should have been sent to the vets and neutered , I had no friends left as he couldnt behave himself with any woman .
Now ive got nothing materially and a man who adores and believes in me , even when i dont myself , I know which has made me happier

Anonymous said...

How right you are and I too love that Bible verse. I enjoyed reading today's post and it certainly made me realise that DH and I have grown older together and are happy with our lives in retirement. Catriona

Anonymous said...

what to do when you are eating a dinner of herbs with a man you cant stand the sight of ???

Linda Metcalf said...

How materialistic of her....why is she there then?

Poppypatchwork said...

I'd live in a cave on the beach with my husband, I'm glad I don't have to, but other than his love almost everything else is just stuff. Having a partner, who is your friend, sole mate and who makes you laugh is everything. He's my second husband, first one was not to bad, but had an eye for other woman.

kelley said...

good lord...he needs to dump her fast and find a woman that will appreciate him...why on earth would she "waste her time" with shallow and sad she is...your posts about your life with DH are what most wish for...a partner who is your friend and love...

Hard up Hester said...

Anonymous:- If you are eating a dinner of herbs with someone you dislike I hope things improve for you soon.
My beloved has returned early from his weekend away, we've chatted, eaten & now it's time for an early night!

Anonymous said...


Jan said...

my heart goes out to James. I know the feeling of being treated like a cash cow with my ex. Happier on my own following divorce 4.5 years ago and being frugal. Better having a life filled with love than 'stuff'.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.