Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Miracle cure or Snake oil, the reply

I didn't get a reply to my letter from the practice manager, the Dr rang me himself.
Whilst he was apologetic for the confusing contradictory diet advice I'd been given he also took the opportunity to push the Cambridge diet at me again. I asked that  he go through my blood sugar levels again, he had to admit that I wasn't diabetic, but insisted that I  will become so soon.
He claims that if I lose 15-20 kg in 6 weeks on the Cambridge diet my non-existent diabetes will be cured, I explained my reservations again but he is convinced that my lack of potassium, my diverticular disease, even my ear infection will be cured by 6 weeks of Cambridge!
I asked about just following a healthy eating plan & losing weight, he claims that weight loss alone will not cure me.
Personally, I think he's talking bollocks!!!


kate steeper said...

Of course he doesn't mention that if your on a diet that he has prescribed he gets a bonus from the government does he?

Anonymous said...

.....Or he's a rep or knows a rep for Cambridge diet. What a load of tosh-yes you will lose weight and look awful, you will the have possible gall bladder problems and you will almost certainly put all the weight and more back on. My friend did this diet at huge expense and lost four stone in 3 months-everyone assumed she had some terminal disease because she looked and felt so bad. She has now started to put the weight back on again and realises that she has not altered her attitude to food one little bit. I am overweight and know it's because I eat too much for my body's needs- my choice, my culpability and I am trying to cut out crap to stop the rot. Low potassium can be helped by bananas and some pulses and also by cutting out aspartame. I am sure GPs get "points for prizes" with certain conditions/medications getting them points. My GP's surgery runs clinics for everythingexcept weightloss/healthy eating. I was told that people didn't attend when they were offered and anyway you can go to any number of diet clubs! Of course the nurse who told me this needs to step back from the fridge herself! Good luck with trying to reduce your weight-I know it is not easy. Catriona

Linda said...

It seems very odd for a Doctor to be pushing a costly commercial diet plan. Like the previous poster says I wonder if he's on commission of some sort. Can you ask for a second opinion?

Jenni said...

My first thought matches Kate's above, what kick back does he get if you sign up? There are signs in my surgery stating healthy weight loss is one to two pounds a week! So Cambridge would not be recommended x

TrishWish said...

I agree it seems an odd recommendation! Can you get to see someone else?

Rambler said...

To be honest, I would be asking to change doctors by now. I would have absolutely no faith in a doctor who won't listen to you and won't be swayed from pushing this very unhealthy diet plan.
Is there another surgery in your area?

cumbrian said...

My doctor actually told me to avoid any "fad" diets, he explained that they do work, but people who shed the weight so fast invariably gain it back when they finish the course. He just recommends a permanent change of eating / drinking habits. Sounds like common sense to me.

Amanda said...

I agree with the other posts - he must know a 'Consultant' for the Cambridge Diet as I'm sooo shocked that he is still pushing it!

You only have to go onto the NHS website under the Weightloss section to see how it explains how fad diets are dangerous and you end up loosing precious muscle as well as fat! It also explains as does posters in my surgery how 1-2lbs a week is the max healthiest weight loss rate to aim for.

I would be very concerned about advice from this GP in the future.......

Linda Metcalf said...

What would using a diabetic diet do? I wonder if that would help everything back into place? I'm diabetic and if you follow the "do not eats" and portion control it puts your blood sugars and weight back to normal ranges. Just a thought. It's such stress to have to worry about our health~

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks for all the comments
I did wonder about him being on commission, he is the head Dr in the practice, the others don't advocate the cambridge diet. This is why he made an appointment for me to see him so he could contradict the others Dr's.
Rambler I haven't been with this surgery long, I changed from another one that was even worse.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.