Saturday, 4 July 2015

Guest Post

My name is Luna and I'm staying at Nana's house today.
 I like staying with Nana, it's nice and quiet here.
The garden is full of lovely smells and Nana keeps a bowl of water on the decking for me if I get thirsty.
She lets me sit on her knee when she has a Nana nap and although I'm not allowed on her bed at night, she has a very big bed and I'm very small and if she hadn't got up to go to the bathroom she'd never had realised I was there!
 I miss my family, or at least I miss stealing all the treats they leave unattended (well if it's in their hand and not their mouth I class it as unattended).
Last night for tea Nana and I shared a jacket potato with tuna, this morning we shared scrambled egg on toast.


Frugally challenged said...

Dear Luna, very nice to meet you. I always admire dogs who can use a computer. It sounds as though you have got twenty first century foraging well sussed. Keep up the good work!

Amanda said...

hahaha I love this, especially the bit about snoozing on the bed!

Such a cutie! :)

Miffy257 said...

Luna is gorgeous, love the bit about her being on the bed. Our Labrador Jack sneaks up some mornings and jumps on the bed but we certainly know he is there, great lump. Hope you get your sewing room sorted, not long until the holidays x

Linda Metcalf said...

What a beautiful little pup! I used to babysit mine all the time and now that grands are off in university he is my permanent resident!

SandyExpat said...

What a sweet dog. No doubt he loves staying with you.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little jack, I have 3 jacks and find them fun loyal intelligent and lovely friends. Biased -yes.

kelley said...

Hi Luna...looks like you've got it made at Nana's house...the deck sounds like a great place to be...especially the napping part!

Being careful.

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