Friday, 31 July 2015

Group sex

I took the car to the hand car wash this morning, lazy I know but it's only £5 and they do a great job.
I do find it a bit like group sex though, I'm surrounded by a lot of strange men, all shouting excitedly & I keep getting buffeted from side to side by the force of their hoses!


Tracey said...

I love this! Thank you for the giggle :-)

jill said...

I shall never look at a freshly washed vehicle jn quite the same way ever again...

Poppypatchwork said...

Great post, I will have a good laugh when I next have my car done

Rambler said...

I used to take my car along to where a couple of Polish gentlemen did a thorough job of washing, rinsing, drying and waxing my car - all for £7. For an extra £2 they would valet the interior as well - a monumental task as my big hairy dog leaves plenty of fluff, sand, mud and hair behind.
However, when I changed my car for a Berlingo, the price went up to £12 for the exterior wash, etc. (The vehicle is taller than my previous car, but it's actually not any more difficult to clean.) So now I go to a self-wash, where I deposit £1 coins in the machine and for £3 I can wash & wax the whole car. Bargain!

Anonymous said...

I wash my own car because it is a waste of time to sit there while they wash my car, if I am there I might as well wash it as I am doing nothing else.

Hard up Hester said...

I'm short & lazy, I cannot reach the top of my car and as my works carpark is full of trees there is often bird crap on top of the car & it needs a real scrub to get it off.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...