Thursday, 14 April 2016

A splurge on Amazon

So far this week I've bought:-

Some rainbow braces, it's the only way I can wear trousers or leggings, I buy them 2 sizes too big and keep them up with the braces.

A pack of 96 wooden pegs, some to use on the clothes line, some to copy Attic24's idea of keeping yarn samples on pegs.

Some middle and heavy weight interfacing, I have only light weight in my craft room and I want to make a bag, I have cut it out, I got the pattern from the So Zo blog.
Some magnetic fasteners also for the bag. 
This is the outer fabric it is navy and green though it is very washed out in this pic.

This is the lining fabric.

This is the pattern I purchased from SoZo.

So far this is all cash neutral as I'm spending money I made on ebay.
I also got a PPI refund, only a £200, but it's gone towards another extra months mortgage payment.

1 comment:

Lyssa Medana said...

I LOVE the braces x

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...