Sunday, 4 March 2018

Has anyone got a wall?

I'd like one to bang my head against.

My tenant has just phoned at 6:15 on Sunday evening.

There is a leak in the kitchen and there has been for 3 days!

Three bloody days of water pissing into the kitchen units!

It seems she's been too busy to phone!

I've left a message for my plumber but obviously he won't see the message until tomorrow morning.

I've double checked the lease it requires any damage to be reported as soon as possible and definitely within 24 hours of discovery.

I'm composing a letter to the tenant explaining that she is now liable to pay for all and any damage that has been caused by her not reporting the leak within the appropriate time.



Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I'm crossing my fingers as I write this. Our tenants 4.5 years have always texted the moment there is a problem. We have always been able to gain access promptly to sort things too.

kathy said...

I agree with you AAARRGH! How irresponsible not to contact you at the earliest opportunity

Winters End Rambler said...

Silly woman x

justjill said...

Seems to be the worst tenant ever. Can you not get rid?

Anonymous said...

I would suggest termination of tenancy at the earliest appropriate/legal opportunity - they sound like a damned nightmare!

Mrs G said...
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Mrs G said...

I'm hoping she's on a 6 month AST - get rid of her at the end of that 6 months and maybe consider a managed letting through a lettings agency Less rent money received overall, but none of this daftness to deal with - and they are experienced at dealing with daftness and legal issues. (We've just changed to a managed letting after a daft tenant (previous one there for over 10 years with not too much hassle))

Col said...

She really is taking the mick isn't she? Wouldn't it be lovely if she decides she hates the house and buggers off elsewhere!

Cheryl said...

I would get rid of her. Will she pay for the damage or just take it out of her rent owed? She sounds like a kid who has never shown any responsibility. Cheryl

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...