Sunday, 18 March 2018

Tank trap

All is hustle and bustle here on the marina, there was an influx of workmen last week and lots of jobs got done.

The broken paving slabs at the end of the jetties have been replaced. An extra passing point has been added to the drive, fence posts have replaced the old tree stumps lining the drive and a push button entry system has been added to the gate.
This is very welcome as standing in the rain fighting with a recalcitrant padlock is no fun at all. Mind you the key pad has been fitted to the gate post so it is still necessary to get out of the car to open the gate.

The car park has also received an extra layer of gravel, in some place the layer is somewhat over generous and the car park resembles a tank trap! My little car struggles a bit to navigate this, I'm thinking of buying crampons to assist in climbing out of the ruts.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Your life sounds so different from mine down there on the marina.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Hope you weren't planning a trip up the Middlewich ! It's got a blinkin' great hole in it!

Hard up Hester said...

I think your life is busier than mine Weaver.
Fortunately we weren't Sue.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...