Thursday, 1 March 2018

Ice breaker

Some poor soul needed a pump out yesterday, their black water ( poo ) tank was full. They were breaking the ice as they manoeuvred their way across the marina to the pump out point. Fortunately most of the other boats were unoccupied, ice breaking like that can damage the blacking on the boats and the owners might get a bit miffed.

I took CHS to work this morning at 7am, he phoned at 9 to tell me that school will close at 1 and that he has a lift part way home so I don't have to negotiate the entire journey, just a couple of miles to get him.

I've filled the coal bucket up, but the jetty taps are still frozen so I can't fill the water tank yet.

We will hunker down with some good books and some hot soup. It is supposed to be milder Monday or Tuesday.


Winters End Rambler said...

No may need to find a bottle of the hard stuff! x

TrishWish said...

Books stacked, logs stacked, hot lunch on way - best way to see out this day! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

take care stay warm xx tessa

The Weaver of Grass said...

Milder weather can't come soon enough for me.

Chris said...

That certainly is unseasonably cold temperatures!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...