Saturday, 10 March 2018

Panic panic

Ten days into the month and CHS'S colleague has run out of money!

He's gradually taken out more loans and credit cards over time, he believes it's sheer necessity, I beg to differ! He spent £3000 on Christmas, not the £2000 he thought they'd spent.

CHS and the other team member have already agreed that their skint colleague can have all available overtime, they did warn him that there would be months when there wasn't much overtime but this was ignored.

In January there was very little overtime available and he's realised that he cannot pay his bills on a standard months wage.


Winters End Rambler said...

Perhaps his lovely wife needs to find herself some paid employment so she stops spending and starts earning! x

kathy said...

What!!!! This is a ridiculous situation, how can one’s expenditure be so much. It is very kind of husband and his work colleague to allow him to have any overtime.
This might help in the short term, but in the long term he has to drastically change his spending habits and learn to BUDGET!

Anonymous said...

i dont think you guys are doing him any favours by letting him have all the overtime,
i agree with kathys post, its very kind to try and help,
but there are people that cant be helped, they have to learn lifes lesson the hard way,

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with Kathy and Anonymous above. What about next month and the months to follow? Will they give up their overtime then? I hope not!

WritersEndRambler is quite right, she needs to get a job especially if she wants expensive bags. I'm presuming that's where most of the £3,000 went.

Joan (Devon)

Hard up Hester said...

The lovely wife has a part time job, but that money is hers and doesn't go towards the household spends.

Part of the reason he gets all the overtime is because CHS would rather be on the boat and the other team member has a caravan and would rather be in his van.

It's not doing a nylon favours, but Mr Skint won't listen to reason, he cannot see beyond the immediate.

Eeek said...

once you enroll in the buying-leads-to-fulfillment mentality, there’s no end to how much you’ll have to purchase....

cumbrian said...

It's an easy trap to fall into, I was once there myself, running faster and faster on the treadmill just to keep up with the credit card interest.

But I no longer have that wife.

Anonymous said...

I would think his team members would do better to teach this fella to whittle, he’s gonna need a paddle to get him up sh*t creek.

Debdor said...

Your hubby and his van loving workmate are lovely considerate people letting this guy have the overtime. I just hope it doesn't come back and bite them in the bum. As I am typing this I just got a text message from an online site I bought one thing from about a year ago offering me £1000 credit. What is wrong with our society!!!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...