Saturday, 3 March 2018


So we are thawing out, the jetty is clear and what snow is left on the marina is slushy.
We had arranged to meet up with a friend of CHS'S and his wife, the roads are clear so we will set off soon.
When we were talking about meeting up my beloved said that it would be nice if I could go out looking a little less like a water gypsy and more like a normal person.
I'm not sure where he thinks I am going to magic up a new outfit from.
I have two drawers and a triple hook on the bedroom wall.
These contain my entire wardrobe, I don't have an assortment of different clothes stashed away somewhere.
I have the dress I wore to the family wedding in December but I would be a tad overdressed I feel.
Hey ho, CHS is doomed to disappointment yet again.


Darwin Girl said...

I’m sure whatever you wear willl be great.

Elaine said...

I echo Franny and Danny. Plus, it's not what you wear, but the way you wear it. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, “water gypsy”. Sounds like a water sprite or something. I like it! Tell his honor to get a grip, but you probably already have
I live in a rural village in America. This time of the year, Everyone dresses in jeans or ski pants and muck boots all covered up with warm coats or flannel shirts.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I'm going to have to look up images of water gypsies it has me intrigued. Tell CHS that his wish is your command as long as he puts his hand in his pocket and buys something! I'm sure you'll look the business what ever you decide upon.

justjill said...

That was very brave of him, or reckless! It is what you say that matters. You make me laugh a lot, so I would not be looking at your clothes. So long as you do not look at mine......

Anonymous said...

LOL Perhaps you could put an outfit for just this sort of thing off to the side ..... some leggings/trousers/a skirt/dress, with a classic style blouse and/or cardi? That would be a suitable outfit for any meet up, just wear it again and again! No harm in that. I realize you don't have much space so items are kept minimal but one outfit kept off to the side just for this sort of socializing needn't take up that much space.


TrishWish said...

And he was wearing??? My Hubby thinks he is lucky if I don't have egg or something worse dribbled down the front!

Hard up Hester said...

He would be more than happy to buy me new clothes, he is very generous.
I have 6 pairs of leggings, 3 vest tops, 3 t-shirts, 3 hoodies,3 tops. 7 pairs of knickers and 3 summer dresses. I cannot fit anything else in at all. I also have to keep my winter fleece beside my bed as there is no room for it anywhere else.
Fortunately the other couple were dressed in jeans and sweater so I did not look out of place.

Hard up Hester said...

My aim is to look like an aging hippy, it suits my mentality.

Anonymous said...

Hey, sista, I am down with the aging hippie look!

Winters End Rambler said...

Has he 'fallen' overboard yet? x

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...