Thursday, 24 May 2018

4 sets of temporary traffic lights, 2 honking cars and a punch up.

And all before 7 am yesterday.
A journey that normally takes 20 minutes took 40 minutes.
I've no idea why either car honked me, I couldn't go anywhere as I was in a queue of traffic. The temporary traffic lights may mean that some of the potholes are being filled in.
As for the punch up, a 4x4 was following a BMW, for some reason the BMW kept slamming on his brakes. I kept well back as it looked like an accident waiting to happen.
Eventually the 4x4 overtook the BMW, stopped in front of him and got out. I drove past and left them to fight it out, they looked pretty evenly matched.

Today the M4 was closed between junctions 11 & 12, an accident had knocked over a lamppost. All the traffic then piled on to the A4! It took me an hour to get CHS to work, I went to DD2's and got her four kids ready and dropped 3 of them at school. DD2 set of for a meeting and was an hour late but still got there before the rest of the clients. It then took me another hour to get to DD1's. 

CHS has tomorrow off, so a lie in and a leisurely start in the morning I hope. I've filled the water tank and tomorrow we will look for a new mooring place.


janipi said...

I hate traffic so much. That would have made me want to go back to bed and stay there. I get anxious when in a traffic queue.

justjill said...

Theres me thinking what a lovely life living on the canal..... But you still have to do the roads.

Chris said...

Why do drivers honk in a traffic jam? It's not going to get them where they want to go any faster!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...