Saturday, 26 May 2018

First date

We've moved from the marina today, we are near Ufton, moored on the edge of a field with cows in.

We reached a lock just as another boat entered it, normally we would double up but as the boat in front was wedged diagonally across the lock we moored on the lock landing and went to help.
We recognised the boat, it's owner is a single lady named Maggie, this time she had a gentleman friend with her.

The gentleman had obviously thought long and hard about his trip on the boat and chosen his outfit with care! He was wearing an immaculately clean white top, highly pressed shorts and loose fitting moccasins.

This outfit maybe appropriate for yachting but for working the locks on a canal, scruffy is best.

By the time we caught up with them they were on their 3rd lock of the day and it was about 4 in the afternoon. He'd started off steering the boat but had got it wedged diagonally across the lock, so they swapped places, she went on to the boat to straighten it out, he went to work the lock.

Unfortunately Towney lock is a bit of a bugger, it's deep, the paddles are very stiff, the gates are heavy and one doesn't open properly. He was really struggling to work his side so CHS went to help, otherwise I'd have ended up doing both gates whilst he faffed around worrying about the gates being dirty.

CHS asked how far they were going, the gentleman announced that they hoped to moor in Maidenhead tonight! It's a bloody long way to Maidenhead by boat but each to their own.

As Maggie passed me I nodded towards the gentleman and asked her 'First date?'
'And the bloody last' she snarled through gritted teeth.


Sue in Suffolk said...

Ha! what fun.
You know how after a wet spell you get really muddy puddly bits by the bit where you start pushing to open the lock gates if it isn't concreted, well I slipped A over T in one of those once, talk about mud from head to toe!

Hard up Hester said...

Oh yes, how many times have I got wet feet in one of those.
I fell over crossing a mud covered bridge going from one lock gate to another, I was covered in mud!

Chris said...

You do seem to meet the most interesting people! The highlight of my day was chatting with the cashier at the grocery store!

WendyT said...

This has made me giggle and think All The Gear and No Idea x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...