Friday, 18 May 2018

Other people's shopping

I can't help being nosy, seeing what other people have in their shopping trolleys.
Today the gentleman in front of me had 40 bottles of beer, a French stick and a tin of baked beans!
It made me chuckle.


Anonymous said...

Just as well you weren't behind me! 4 x 24 packs of Coke Zero, YS roast chicken(£1.50), YS spicy chicken thighs (£0.40) YS chicken 'quarters' (£O.60) 5 x John Player Red and 30g of Amber Leaf.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

His priorities for sure.

Anonymous said...

I love looking what folk put on the belt...very interesing

justjill said...

I remember the mounded trolleys of when the 4 kids were at home. Now its one of those wee things.

Angela said...

I used to have a Saturday job in a supermarket in my teens. One Very Posh gentleman came in every week and always bought 7 tins of cat food and a large bottle of whisky!

Hard up Hester said...

I look at my own trolley sometimes and feel like hanging a sign on it saying This isn't my normal shop!

Col said...

Did you ask if you could join him for his party?

Sol said...

Once the woman in front of me put all her shopping on, then ran off and came back with a box of tampons, a box of condoms and a pregnancy test. Covering all bases I presume

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...