Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Please Nana

Today I was up just after 5am and after breakfast I set off to DD2's so she could attend the course she is on.
Dgd Eileen was searching for a pair of matching socks, eventually she found a pair that she deemed acceptable.
I asked her if she would like me to buy her some new socks.
She thought for a few moments and then said that what she really wanted were some white ankle socks with bows on to match her school uniform. It seems a classmate has socks with bows on and dgd was desperate for some of her own.
DD2 explained that they were available from Tesco so I agreed to to go and buy her some. 
Once DD2 had set off on the school run with Eileen and Norah I set off to Tesco with Suzy.
We found the socks without any problems and also chose socks for Norah, Suzy by now had spotted a Troll dress and was looking at me hopefully.
Fortunately it was reduced in the sale so I bought it for her. The dress came with a bright pink wig and Suzy wore both on our trip to the park, there is a nice park not far from DD2's and I often take Suzy there.
We left the park and went home to have lunch after which it was time for nursery.
Tomorrow I will try for a lie in as I'm doing the school run for DD2 on Thursday as she is off to Amsterdam for a day of business meetings.


Chris said...

You will be the favourite grandma, for sure!

Pam said...

I could quite fancy a troll dress and a pink wig myself. I have decided to knit some trainer sock with the tops in white and the feet in my scrap yarn,now I am thinking of bows. It is good to let out your inner child, far too many people are scared of the thought, never mind the act.

Winters End Rambler said...

Good Grandma! x

janipi said...

How could you resist? I have 4 grandsons. I would just love to buy socks with bows and troll dresses. Love my boys but have to confess I browse through the girly stuff in the shops.

Hard up Hester said...

If I had more money I'd buy the girls lots of dresses, I also have four grandson, they are fun.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...