Friday, 25 May 2018

For fucks sake just go home!

As I've said before CHS's shift system is confusing and inconvenient, some evenings there is an added problem, people not leaving on time.

The school hires out some areas out of hours, until 9 or 10 o'clock usually, either for exercise classes, fat club and various other local groups.

I'm not sure if people assume the caretaker lives on site or, more likely, they just don't consider him being inconvenienced any problem of theirs.

Rooms are hired out until 9:30, if the room next to it hasn't been hired out then that room can be set up for 8am meetings the next day.

At 9:45pm CHS walks down to the room to find the classes still running. He has to persuade them to finish, CHS then checks the room next door, this has invariably been used and needs to be set up again. 

He sets the room up again for the meeting and then goes back to tidy the room the class had been held in. People still stand around chatting, and give CHS dirty looks as he picks up all the rubbish they leave scattered about and as he empties the bins, by now it's 10 o'clock. 

He turns off the lights and the people gradually walk to their cars, still chatting.
CHS announces that he is locking the gate and they needed to drive out if they unless they want to stay on-site overnight.

Some people always decide to sit in their cars and use their mobile phones so CHS and I drive to the gate. By now it is almost 10:30 and hour after his finishing time!


justjill said...

He should ask it is spelled out on the booking form. Really angers me that some people have no consideration. Not sure how you managed to bite your tongue.

Winters End Rambler said...

People just not thinking probably x

Hard up Hester said...

Justjill, it is explained verbally to each hirer and they get a written copy too. It makes no difference, people are just selfish I think.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Used to get the same problem in the library - years ago it didn't close til 7pm and we would walk round telling everyone we were closing in 10 minutes and still they would linger. we'd been there since 9am so wanted to close up and get home. said...

Inconsiderate people infuriate me, only thinking of themselves and it seems to be getting worse.

Margie from Toronto said...

We run an English class for newcomers at the church on Tuesday evening from 7 to 8:30pm. We are there and set up by 6pm as students start to arrive - we encourage them to have the tea/coffee and treats and get themselves to a seat as we then start promptly at 7pm.
We are given notice at 8:20 and all cups & plates must be delivered to the kitchen (we have people assigned to clean up) and the caretakers begin to set up the room for the next day's events. Pupils are welcome to linger and chat for a bit in the ante-area as long as the main room is emptied - we usually get the last one (staff & students) out the door by 9pm. We make sure to clean up after ourselves and get out of the way of the care taking staff - I believe their shift ends at 10pm. If we can get 50 people done and dusted in time then your hubby should feel free to report these clods! Put up the chains one night and leave and just see what happens!

Hard up Hester said...

One of CHS'S previous managers used to charge overtime when people didn't leave on time. The current manager doesn't!

Anonymous said...

I ran a free meal for years at a community site. We had to be out of the hall so the next group could have their meeting in half an hour. We pulled plates off tables and dragged the serving dishes into the kitchen for clean up and still folks did not get the idea. I had to be the b* tch that would tell them face to face that the meal was done and the hall was rented for the next group.
I am hoping that CHS gets overtime for the last hour he is there. The school should tack that on to the cost for the ass draggers.

herbert said...

How about making up a couple of sign with 'GATES LOCKED FOR THE NIGHT AT 9.30 PM'. He can hang them on the gate when he gets there and when people turn up they will read the sign . Then at the end of their activity the first thing they will be thinking is 'must get back to the car before 9.30 or we will be locked in'. They could just be printed on paper and laminated and have a grommeted hole in each corner for tying to the gates.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...