Saturday, 19 January 2019

Brrr it's cold

CHS had his rehab gym assessment at 11 am today, it seemed a bit disorganised to me. He was told to do too much and was unwell.

Hopefully it will be better next time, he wanted me to stay, but it was rammed with people  and there was nowhere to sit.

I sat in the car outside for an hour, I took my crochet but my hands were stiff with cold so I couldn't do any. I was freezing, it's nearly 4 now and I still haven't warmed up.

He is going twice a week, his first appointment is Monday evening, it's going to be even colder in the car then.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

If there's no space in the gym for you to sit, take a blanket and got water bottle eith you. As long as my feet are warm I'm ok. Hope it continues to go ok.

Hard up Hester said...

I was told there would be room Tania, now I know there isn't I'll go prepared on Monday.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...