Thursday, 17 January 2019

Face ache

Not tooth ache, definitely face ache.

All along my cheekbone and around my eye socket.
It is very sensitive and sore.

It's probably stress related, things are hotting up with the house sale.

Umpteen emails asking questions.

Conveyancing assistants who send emails without the attachments that are referred to in the email.

A constant hunt for documents proving everything from my NI number to my inside leg measurement.

All this is being done against a background noise of my beloved watching chainsaw videos on YouTube!


Anonymous said...

Be careful you are not getting shingles. Stress can promote them and on the face is dangerous. Have had two friends with them on the face. Ana USA

Anonymous said...

The kind of face ache you mentioned may be from a sinus infection; there are sinuses around the eye sockets, in your cheeks, and something called eustacian (sp?)tubes that get plugged and then can make your jaw hurt! Hope it's all gone SOON! Laura (usa)

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Selling and buying houses is stressful. I got angry when you answer something and they ask the same question again 10 days later. GÅ•rrrr what part of the first answer didn't you understand. I kept telling my solicitor I didn't have a cavity wall insulation certificate as we never had it done. But we know it was done as we've saw it in the cavity when building work was completed.

Hard up Hester said...

My house had it done before I bought it, like you I've seen the evidence in the cavity, but I don't have a certificate for it.

Marilyn said...

Definitely sounds like infected sinuses.over the counter medicines available and very effective.hope you feel better soon

kate steeper said...

are you planning on sharing my shingles? I did howl at the chainsaw videos my other half has handed over the TV remote and im punishing him with terrible 80s murders at the moment

Col said...

It's definitely your sinuses!
They may not be infected, but are certainly blocked, over the counter decongestants will help, as will sitting with a hot pad on your cheek. Don't get your head cold, and have lots of hot drinks, see a Dr if there's no improvement over the weekend.
I suffer dreadfully with sinus problems, and have found heat on and around the cheekbone/browbone gives the most relief, alongside painkillers of course!
Husband says not only do blocked sinuses give me a face ache, but the condition turns me into a faceaching old bat too!!!
Hope you feel much better soon!

Anonymous said...

Urgh I regularly suffer with those type of face pains...they are awful and debilitating.

I put them down to a combo of sinus inflammation (but not blocked like a cold) which I've suffered with on & off for many years, stress and occasionally hormones. Sadly I've found no "magic bullet" so to speak for dealing with it, sometimes something works and the next time it doesn't it's just a case of try it & see what happens :( Frustrating to say the least!

Hope yours passes soon.

Caroline x

Margie from Toronto said...

Please get yourself to the doctor - it's time to look after yourself for a bit!

And tell hubby that he MUST use headphones - it's time for a bit of consideration on his part! I believe he has a hearing problem - but really, he could watch those videos without the sound!

Carol Caldwell said...

I have similar symptoms with sinus problems and have found that sinutab works wonders. You can get it from the chemist.

Hard up Hester said...

I have bought some sinus tablets so hoping for some relief soon.
Margie we have an appointment with the hearing unit next month, they can recommend something he can use with his aids.
Kate, I certainly hope not.
I did get my ' own back, I watched all eight Harry Potter films this week, they were on ITV 2.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...