Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Freedom at last

CHS's discharge notes are in the post, finally after 4 long months we no longer need to be joined at the hip.

He has an assessment at the local re-hab gym and an interview for a taster day at the local stroke club.

I'm looking for a daytime knit and natter club that accepts boaters, some places don't, they think we are pikeys and are smelly and light-fingered.

I don't like the term pikey, I wouldn't use the term to describe anyone, but I have been called it a few times.

Well, I'm often smelly, but I smell of wood smoke  which I don't find it unpleasant.


Catriona said...

Good news about CHS-hopefully he’ll enjoy the company at the stroke club\rehab. Words fail me about the possibilty of exclusion from a club!!

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

So pleased to hear this Hester, its been a long time coming, although I have to admit I did not think it was 4 months ago, just shows how perception can distort.

I hope you find a club you can join, you need some social contact away from CHS. I know what its like.

How is the house sale going? I hope it goes through without any problems and you are able to source a bigger boat.

Take care.

Hard up Hester said...

Catriona, I know but it's a snobby area, lol.

Csarina, October 17th he had his stroke so it's 3 months, I can't count, lol.

Icey said...

Why would a club need to know where you live? Surely you just pay your dues for the day and get your needles and wool out?
I might ask why you smelled of smoke but purely out of interest that you had a wood burning stove rather than an attempt to deduce where you lived!

Keep on keeping on xx

Margie from Toronto said...

That is good news for both of you! He has been well looked after and you have certainly earned a bit of a break! Good luck in finding something that interests you and where you can meet some new people.

Hard up Hester said...

I don't know I cry, but a lot of them do.

Thanks Margie

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

So good to hear that. That's discrimination, wtf is it yo do with them where you live.

Anonymous said...

Well, if they don't want to have boaters, then I am not sure I would even want to join - what sort of people are they!?? You will find your tribe, I'm sure!

AlisonB43 said...

We are probably referred to as pikeys too as we live in our motorhome, have never thought that boaters would be classed as that too. I often do not tell people how we live, just completed 3 months temp work and my colleagues did not know, sometimes it is just better that way. Hope you find a worthy group soon, or start your own!

hazel c UK said...

Hope you can find a group to go to. Our local garden nursery run a little knit and natter. We do our own thing and we do lots of charity things. I live in a small village and the nursery runs lots of events we are getting ready for Easter. I wish you lived nearer to me. Good Luck.
Hazel c uk

hazel c UK said...

Sorry I meant to say I am pleased your Husband is get some help, I had a stroke early last year and the stroke association helped me a lot if time.
Hazel c uk

Rachel Phillips said...

We have a lot of pikeys around here but they are officially referred to as travellers these days. I have never heard of people on house boats being called pikeys, or being pikeys or travellers, in this area. Lots of local places like libraries and craft shops here have knit and natter groups and you can call yourself what you like and say you are from where you like or just sit and say absolutely nothing and just get on and knit.

Lyssa Medana said...

People pay a lot of money for candles that smell of woodsmoke, so you are obviously trailing the elegant scent of expensive wax.

Hugs x

Linda said...

No one’s business but you where you live! I’m trying to find a group near me but the existing ones meet at weekends or in the evening. I don’t want to drive at night or use up my ‘weekend’ (retired but still enjoy weekends,).

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...