Wednesday, 2 January 2019

My blog, my language!

If you don't like my language then don't read my blog.


Heleng said...

Well said x

Sooze said...

Exactly! Funny how the ones who complain are always anonymous.

Elona said...


The person reading is presumably an adult so if he or she cannot cope with a few expletives delivered when under extreme stress and worry then they really need to get out more.

Your blog, your life, your language and anyone who objects can go and "bile their heid!"

Hard up Hester said...

I believe it's just a type of bullying, someone hoping that as I'm already stressed their comment will make me more upset.
Pathetic little people with nothing better to do.

Lyssa Medana said...

Well roger me ragged with a radish! Who has the bad manners to post that?

Sending hugs, good vibes, and a year's supply of 'fuck off to the far side of fuck and when you get there fuck off some more' plus some 'oh do fuck off dear' and a side shipment of 'fuck you and the horse you fucking rode in on'. Use them how you wish.

LM x

Jenni said...

Abso'bloody'lutely as Big said in SATC.

Vonnie said...

If I had had the year you had I would have done far more f'ing and blinding. Keep on posting, from Veronica born 1949 and lived in a home without electricity until we moved in 1963.

Col said...

Maybe they should just 'fuck right off'!
Take no notice of such snotty little nobodies! X

cumbrian said...

Aren't there some small-minded fuckin people?

Nomenomen said...

I enjoy a good rant with lots of 'bad' language. I find it a great stress reliever too. Its ironic for me because I am bilingual and cursing in Holland in English is no problem as long as you do it with a Dutch twist as in using Dutch pronounciation. It then sounds like fock for example. Dutch swearing is odd and includes illnesses (even very old ones that do not exist anymore) and body parts, mostly combining the two. I do not find them as soothing as UK smut. They just sound very funny. Greetings! M.

Witch Hazel said...

Why on earth does someone feek the need to suggest you moderate YOUR language on YOUE blog. And to do it anonymously?! With what you've had to deal with lately, I'm surprised the blog isn't full of 'fucks' and worse.

Anonymous said...

I love your language and just wish you would post about witchcraft sometimes x

Bonnie said...

Ignore the anonymous bell end!!😂

Meanqueen said...

Your swearing makes me laugh.

VC said...

Lol, well said! It's not a word I use myself but yes you are exactly right. I felt that you were expressing your frustration at the time and thought 'good for you'. If I don't like the way a person speaks, or their opinions or the way they speak about or treat others on their blog then I stop reading it. In real life and face to face though I might well challenge them.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...