Monday, 28 January 2019

Re-jigging the budget.

We are getting rehabilitation help for CHS, but it doesn't come cheap.

The Therapy Gym  was £25 to join and £7 a session, he goes twice a week.

Then there is Stroke Club, £55 a month.

Both are good value and a great help towards CHS's recovery but the money has to come from somewhere. 

We do not have a bottomless purse to dip into.

So it's a decision, what do we give up to gain an extra £100 a month?


Chris said...

I haven't blogged regularly or read any for a while, just lassitude or bloody lazy on my part, so hadn't seen about your husband, what horrible thing to have happened to him and consequently you too. But you continue to try, good on you and if you feel the need to shout f--- then do so.. what a cheek some people have and not to say who they are. Keep going and keep strong, you'll win out in the end and have sex too!! LOL I read right back, a good read Hester!

justjill said...

I do not understand why you have to pay for these things. I know I live in Scotland, and I thank the fact that I do frequently when I read things such as what you have written. This is appalling. I havent had to pay for anything. Surely if you go for something that is not impinging on having to be ill again is saving money.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I find it disgusting that you have to pay for these things. I think you should get some allowance for these things, after all CHS's recovery means returning to work.

Hard up Hester said...

There is no help available as CHS is still classed as working, he is still getting sick pay, when that stops then I will look again at financial help.

kate steeper said...

Do the online application for PIP with your tongue in your cheek and worse case scenario mode firmly in place , may do no good but he can still apply while on sick pay

lynda said...

I hope you can's terrible having to try to find more money when things are tight as it is....I worry a lot about our future. We're retired now, but a pension never goes up , and the cost of living does all the time....

kelley said...

here in the US so many people need a Go Fund Me account to help pay for medical bills.. I know you have said before you don't want to do that...but I for one would be glad to donate...your blog has been entertaining me for years! I'll bet many of your followers feel the same..a little bit from many..

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs and good vibes. Don't forget to look after yourself. Your sanity is worth it.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...