Monday, 14 January 2019

Round and round the garden.

Well that what it felt like today!

I tried to cancel my tv license online but I didn't fit the criteria!
I live on a narrowboat wasn't a tickable option, it often isn't!
I cancelled the direct debit as I knew that would generate a response, it did.
This morning I reveal email from tv licensing asking me to phone them, so I did.
I explained that I needed to cancel my tv license as my tenant is moving out and the house will be empty until it is sold.
The person I was speaking to wanted the postcode of the tenants new address, I said I had no idea.
Then he asked if I was still intending to watch tv, I said yes, so then he wanted my postcode. I explained that I had no postcode as I live on a boat.
This did not compute, he explained that I must have a postcode to watch tv.

The conversation went round in circles, I felt like the Oozlum bird.


Jean said...

Why is it so difficult to do simple tasks nowadays? Especially when dealing with officials. You would think computers would make things easier but maybe its this tick box system as rarely do I find a box that fits me.

Mrs G said...

I found the TV licensing people extremely useless when I phoned to cancel my m-I-l's licence. I informed them that she'd died a couple of days earlier and lived alone. The girl on the other end then asked me why I wanted to cancel the licence - to which I replied that dead people don't watch television...…..!!! :D

The Weaver of Grass said...

Sorry Hester, but the clever way you have written this just made me laugh out loud. Sure you didn't feel like that though.

cumbrian said...

A sadly familiar story, I sometimes wonder if these petty officials have to complete a special training course in uselessness.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I have to ask why were you paying your tenants tv licence? I forgot mine. They are responsible for getting a licence to watch tv in your property not you. How can they ask for a forwarding address surely that's against the data protection act that we were all sent hundreds of emails about last year!!!

Hard up Hester said...

Cumbrian, I think you are right.

Tania, I paid it so I was covered to watch TV on my boat.

lynda said...

After my mother died I called on my mobile to cancel the phone. The woman INSISTED she needed my mother's NEW ADDRESS.....and my husband wonders why I SHOUT at these people......

Hard up Hester said...

I shout too Lynda.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...