Thursday, 27 October 2022


I only slept from 2 until 4 on Wednesday night, last night  was better, I slept from 12 until 4 this morning. I could do with a snooze now but the ward is waking up, I've had my blood pressure taken, I've finally managed to persuade the staff to use the larger cuff and now both numbers are under 250. I've had my finger stabbed and my blood sugar is ok. I was made to sit up as my pulse was so low. These are all my normal, the thing is, I know me so when I say I need a bigger cuff, that means I need a bigger cuff. But it takes a few days of me reiterating this and the staff poo-pooing what I say until everything gets sorted.

I could do with a snooze now whilst it's quiet and the woman opposite has stopped trying to climb out of bed and setting her alarms off but breakfast is on its way and I'm hungry and don't want to miss it.


Angela said...

It's so hard to sleep in hospital. Thinking of you, hoping you're home soon and health and housing issues improve 😊❤️👍

Sue in Suffolk said...

Good news re the flat - bad news about being in hospital - I missed previous post.
Hope they let you out today - surely there's a queue waiting for your bed.

I always need a bigger cuff for blood pressure too and they usually try twice before they realise.

Catriona said...

Sorry to hear you are in hospital and not getting a good rest. Super news about your flat-let’s hope you can move in very soon. Catriona

ShellyC said...

Hope things start to settle for you now at home and in hospital

Ellen D. said...

Hospitals are so noisy that it is difficult to sleep. Hope you are out of there soon and into your new flat with your medical problems sorted!

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

When I was in the hospital for a knee replacement, in the prep area they took my blood pressure with an automatic blood pressure machine. She rolled the machine over to my arm and wrapped what I could tell from looking at it was a too small cuff. She turned that thing on and it just kept squeezing my arm until I actually had tears running down my face, Meanwhile she kept asking me every question on the form. I was hurting so bad in my arm, I could barely think straigtht to answer the questions. A nurse should know that a person is supposed to be perfectly still and not speaking while getting a blood pressure reading. That reading was 190 over another high number, way too high. I told her that cuff was too small. she said nothing and left the room. I imagine someone must have retaken my blood pressure before the surgery. I have to say that the blood pressure taking session was possibly the most painful part of the surgery because I had pain meds for the knee surgery, and after. My knee didn't even hurt as bad at any time as that blood pressure cuff which left me all bruised. I have fat arms and I think the machine just kept squeezing because it couldn't tell when to stop because of the flab under my arm.

Witch Hazel said...

I hope that the hospital stay gets you sorted out a bit. Do you think they can doanything to save your eyesight? Fingers crossed that the house purchase progresses quickly.

Unknown said...

So happy to hear about your flat, I hope you recover quickly and have a lot of help getting you moved in and sorted out.
You have been thru a lot, wishing you a long period of relaxation.

Just wanted to say, I love Beano, he just looks like a little "love nugget".

flis said...

Perhaps you are on the mend now and everything will be so much easier x

lindsey said...

So sorry to hear that you are in hospital. Let’s hope that your move goes smoothly and you are able to sleep well in your own bed. I send good wishes to you and a big hug from Northern Ireland x

Debby said...

My goodness. THat is very high blood pressure. I see that you're home now. I hope that things are going easier for you and that you're feeling better.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...