Saturday, 22 October 2022

I think I'm alone now!

 Bob finally arrived just before 11 o'clock as he got lost!

Steve spends a lot of time telling me how wonderful Bob is because he knows I have a pretty low opinion of him.

I replied that racing motorbikes was the reason Bob got lost, he spends most of his time going in circles!

I took Beano out for his second walk and left them chatting, they had gone by the time I arrived home.

I have  a pan of veg soup simmering on the stove, it will do me today and tomorrow, the men will be back at some point tomorrow and I've promised them a Sunday roast, lamb and chicken I think is what I'll do.

The landlord popped round a few minutes ago to say they were away for half term, I'm glad he didn't say anything before Steve left as Steve would have refused to have gone away with Bob.

He is convinced I cannot manage alone and whilst it's challenging as I have such bad double vision it's not impossible.

I shall be so glad when we finally get in to our own flat.


Sue said...

What a lovely photo of the sleeping Beano, he looks like a little character. Enjoy your peaceful time with just you and Beano. xx

Ellen D. said...

How nice to have a bit of quiet time for yourself and Beano! Relax and do what you want to do!

Col said...

Even with the difficulties of managing with your sight problems, I bet everything is still much easier, calmer and more relaxed with Steve away with Bob!
Enjoy your quiet time, my DH is just getting over a bad cold (not Covid) and is still coughing fairly often, right now I'd kill for just a day or two with only myself for company! X

LameWolf said...

Hester, enjoy some relaxing time with Beano, knowing you can please yourself what you do and how you do it, without someone telling you you're doing it all wrong.

Col, I feel your pain. My husband has a chronic cough that's worse at night (yes, he has been investigated for the Big C, and it isn't that, thankfully) so a peaceful night is unheard of for me. I even decamped to the lounge on Wednesday night, and slept on the sofa, as it was a better option than smothering him with a pillow.

flis said...

I adore your Beano-My beloved moans,groans,stomps-even though apparently agonising foot pains-smokes before and after being hositalised for lungs drained - Walking and tending to my 4 dogs keeps me almost sane x

JanF said...

Have a lovely time by yourself. I think you are a marvel to promise and plan such a wonderful roast meal for the men when they get back!
My husband has vision problems which cannot be fixed so we now have signed up for Books for the Blind. Not nearly as good as reading for himself but a help nonetheless.

Moira said...

Could not leave a comment on the next post. Does you solicitor have an office if so go there and sit until you see him, take a picnic.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...