I was released this evening, I've been prescribed medication for all the ills I didn't know I had but nothing for the double vision that is still plaguing me.
Hey ho, Beano is delighted to have me back.
Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...
Look after yourself.Barbarax
Glad you are home. Hope you rest and relax and pamper yourself a bit... You need it!
Good old Beano - there's nothing like a dog's welcome home.
And thank heavens for the optician who insisted you went in - little thanks to the doc. who seems to just have passed the buck.
Hope the 'new' ills aren't serious and that even if your vision is not improved you may be feeling fitter by having them addressed.
We've both been poorly with Covid, and I missed your previous posts.....Sorry to hear about your hospital stay, but at least now they do actually know that you exist!
Great news about the flat, maybe by this time next week, you may actually be in there! How wonderful that would be!!!!!
We're both slowly improving now, the actual infection was dreadful, but the tiredness and lack of energy now is awful, we're absolutely drained! Our son, daughter in law and grandson came to tea on my birthday, grandson was fine, but son and his wife both felt a bit 'off'.
The following day, son felt dreadful so did a test, positive! Daughter in law is a front line worker, hospital made her test too, also positive!
Three days later, husband and I both tested positive too! So, amongst other things, what did my son give me for my 65th birthday? Bloody Covid!!!
We've had all our jabs and boosters, and we were still really quite ill, so please, everyone, if you're offered a jab, take it!
Keep well, not long now until completion, just think how lovely it will be to sit and relax in your own property again!
I'm pleased that you have been released - Though none of my business please put Yourself 1st now x
Beautiful Beano. I’m so pleased you’re home. I’ve had numerous stays in hospital. I had breast cancer 16 years ago and have been told not to let anyone use my left arm for anything medical so I don’t get lymphoedema. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve nearly caught nurses about to jab my left arm or take blood pressure. I once wrote along my arm “don’t know touch this arm” in biro. On one stay I had an op and told them daily I was diabetic and concerned no one was monitoring my blood sugars. On my last day the nurse said to me “oh you’re diabetic. We didn’t know” 😡. Regarding sleep, I used to wear ear plugs and an eye mask. I hope you continue to improve and they sort your double vision soon. Oh I forgot. My dad had to have eye surgery and had severe COPD and was on oxygen. He had inhalers which you put pills into and they break open inside the inhaler. He was confused with all the drugs and for three days the nurses had been giving him the pills by mouth with a glass of water. Scary. Anyway. Much love. Hope your flat is sorted soon too. Xx
Glad to near you are out of hospital although not so good about all the medication. Take care. Catriona
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