Monday, 3 October 2022

Evening all.

 Another long gap between posts, I'm really sorry.

I'm really struggling to think of something to write about.

Heaven knows how long it will be before we can get into our flat.

The place we are staying is lovely but it's incredibly expensive and the rent is eating into the money we have to get things done on our flat.


Lyssa Medana said...

Sending all good vibes. I hope that you find somewhere stable soon - with curtains!

Col said...

Are you stuck in a 'chain' with the flat?
If not, keep on at your solicitor, some have a tendency to rest on their laurels a bit if they get the chance.
There are times when you have to keep niggling away at people to get them to shift.
As you probably know, our son's a solicitor, so I'm not getting at them, although he does commercial contract law, which is a whole different ball game!
However, when my late father in law was buying his flat, on the morning of completion the estate agent rang us to say there was a vitally important form which should have been with the vendors solicitor by close of business the previous day, but hadn't arrived. Husband and I had to drive to father in law's solicitor, demand that she filled in the form there and then, and then drive another 56 miles to the vendor's solicitor, to deliver the form. Without it, father in law would have been going nowhere, despite the removal firm being at his house etc.
You shouldn't have to keep checking that people are doing their jobs, but sadly, sometimes it's the only way!
Keep taking deep breaths and thinking positively! X

Sue said...

We've only just heard today ... and that's because my hubby went into the estate agents to ask them face to face ... that our purchase of a flat in town has at last moved forward.

And it's only because our solicitor and the estate agent have actually been helping the seller's solicitor and the family to sort things out. The whole thing has been a complete farce thanks to probate, missing forms and a million other excuses from the solicitors that the sellers were using. It's just past the one-year anniversary of when we made the offer and had it accepted. It's a good job we're not in a rush!!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...