Sunday, 9 October 2022

More stuff

Our little cottage is full of boxes, DD1's shed was on the verge of collapse so she has emptied it and bought our boxes over to us. There are some in the living area and some in the bedroom.

I haven't started unpacking them yet as I need some empty boxes to put the stuff in.

Steve bought boxes when we were getting ready to leave the boat but he bought huge ones. I couldn't lift them when they were full and Steve got cross when I sealed them up half full. The boxes were so big many of them collapsed and were destroyed whilst being moved.

He's now ordered some smaller ones and they should arrive at Jennie's tomorrow. I shall be there to take care of the children before and after school. I shall bring the boxes home with me and start packing them on Tuesday.

I shall get things packed properly and move some stuff into the cupboards here. I may pack up stuff from here into boxes, as the cupboards were pretty full when we arrived but not with stuff we'd use, for example I don't need four full and two part dinner services. So I may pack away some stuff belonging to the cottage so as there is room for our stuff in the cupboards.

No doubt I'll start packing and our move will materialise. I don't care, anything I sort now is less to do when we do move.


Sue said...

It sounds like you will be busy, but it's good to get organised nice and early and into sensible sized boxes.

When I move into a rental property or sometimes even on a longer holiday, I put things where I want them and put away all those things that people think you will need, but actually don't. It's little things like doing that, that just make life easier isn't it.

LameWolf said...

Maybe packing up your landlord's stuff that's surplus to your requirements so that it's out of your way will act as a Spell of Summoning, and your move to your new flat will happen. One can hope, at least. :-)

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...