Saturday, 29 October 2022

Catch up

It seems I  had a stroke  last week. I know I suddenly developed double vision but as I've known for years that I would go blind at some point I just assumed that was what was happening.

It's hard work dealing with Steve and trying to sort out the move and I can't hear clearly anymore so it's all been a bit much.

Most things land on my shoulders or my daughters as Steve really isn't one of life's copers.

Jennie was worried about me so dragged me to the optician to get my eyes checked. The optician sent us to Eye Casualty where  we spent 6 hours being shunted from pillar to post with no clear answer to what was causing my double vision.

Eventually I was sent to Acute Medical where I sat until about 9:30 at which point I was admitted onto a ward. I was sent home yesterday with a carrier bag full of drugs and lots of paperwork and many instructions.

Steve is in full on panic mode and has taken over all the cooking, he is running around like a headless chicken but he means well. 

I walked Beano at 8 this morning and got home to find Steve putting his shoes on and ready to run out the door to look for me. We've since walked Beano twice more, once to the woods and once to Tesco for a wholemeal loaf.

Cass has just dropped off the last few boxes so in the morning I will go through them and hunt for my blood pressure  monitor and re-pack the boxes ready to move.


Col said...

I'm not at all surprised that your body couldn't cope with all the stress and rebelled last week!
Hopefully you'll be in your flat really, really soon, and now that you're on the radar with the local health authority, you should have an easier time accessing services.
Steve may settle down a bit once you're sorted and in your flat, you both need to slowly and gently get your own place sorted out, relaxing as much as possible, as soon as possible.
Don't go charging around trying to sort everything out at once, you can live out of boxes for weeks if necessary, your health comes before finding a 'home' for everything!
Take care,
Col X

Marjorie said...


Hazel (witchhazel) said...

Oh what a horrible shock. What it a TIA or was it a full stroke? You sound like you are coping with it much better than I suspect I would.
Has your double vision now resolved?

Sue in Suffolk said...

Really hope you get news on the flat soon. Living in Limbo isn't good and now with the extra health things you need to be settled

Catriona said...

I hope you can be settked in your own flat very soon and before the colder weather comes. Catriona

Ellen D. said...

Oh no! I am sorry to hear you had a stroke but am amazed at how quickly you are back home getting ready for your move. You need to stop and rest and let others help you for a while.

50 and counting said...

Occular Stroke?

Good thing the optician was on the ball.

Here's to a speedy recovery

Ruta M. said...

Just caught up with your news. So sorry to hear that you've had a stroke but at least now you're getting some treatment. Hopefully the medications you've been given will improve things but don't be afraid to make a fuss, a big one if neccessary, if they don't have any effect. I heard somebody medical say on R4 that our bodies are so complex that often what works for one person doesn't work for another and there are usually alternatives to try. I used to assume that if the tablets didn't work I'd just have to put up with the symptoms. Also as you know doctors are not infallible. Great news about your new home. Once you're in you can settle in at your own pace.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

Try to at least get a little extra rest, as difficult as it is at this time to do so.
I hope you recover quickly from the effects of your ocular stroke. Take care.

lindsey said...

I’m so sorry to hear of all your your troubles. Please take things gently and at your own pace. Many best wishes and hugs coming your way from Northern Ireland xxx

Sue said...

So sorry to hear this. Fresh air and walks with Beano sound like a good idea but controlling your 'means well' headless chicken must be hard. Try to relax as often as you can.

Winters End Rambler said...

Sorry to hear of your time in hospital. Sending healing thoughts your way. x

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...