Saturday, 8 October 2022

Running away to the circus!

Or should I say staggering in the general direction!

There was a circus on the village green where my oldest daughter lives so she took me along. It was a very small circus but great fun. There were ladies in spangly outfits a ringmaster, three clowns and a lady on a bike high in the air.

I had a lovely time, poor little Teddy who is 7 wasn't feeling well so he had lots of cuddles. I haven't seen Arnie the dog for a long time either so he had lots of cuddles too.

Steve decided not to come as he's not keen on the circus so he stayed home to look after Beano.

It was cheap and cheerful and such good fun.


Wendy said...

So pleased that you have had a lovely time!
You deserve it.

Rambler said...

Great to have some time out with family and the circus. I bet you enjoyed the cuddles from young Freddie and the doggy ones as well. Did Steve remember to give Beano a walk? I hope so. Hope you enjoy your day out tomorrow as well; a nice change of routine for you and a chance to catch up with your daughter when she gets back home.

Catriona said...

Hat a joy to have time out with your family with the added bonus of cuddles. Catriona

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...