Tuesday, 11 October 2022


The boxes from DD1's shed have been repacked and are now taking up a lot less room, they are in the corner of one room.

I have got my walking shoes back and some clothes, Steve wasn't happy with me adding clothes to my wardrobe but tough. I've packed away my two summer dresses and put three winter tops in my wardrobe. I don't have a very extensive wardrobe and although I'm fat, I'm the same size fat I've been for at least ten years.

I will let DD1 know the boxes have all been sorted so she can bring the rest over when she has time.

We've done an online shop for this week, I'm gradually chipping away at the total. Steve will insist on buying brand names, so I delete them and add own brand in its place. We still have some steak in the freezer, so I suggested some cheaper meals and he accepted them.


Ellen D. said...

I admire how you make things work! You have a lot to deal with but you know how to tackle it in your own way. Well done!

Rambler said...

I rely on deliveries every week and although you can't make use of the bargain shelf, it still works out cheaper than using the car to reach the nearest shops. I always check and amend the shopping list on the day before delivery, removing some items and swapping others to reduce my spend. It's good to see the lower cost, isn't it?

pollyanna said...

Oh I'm so glad to find you again Hester I'd fogotten the name of your blog and was just asking over on the fence if anyone had noticed you on MSE
I thought you might have changed the name of your blog now you are no longer Afloat. I thought hard and back came the current blog name . I hope you Steve and all the family are well and of course Beano;
Things sound quite hectic for you but hopefully you'll soon be settled in your new home.
Take care of you as well as everyone else hester.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...