Thursday, 20 October 2022

Rainy day

Steve and Beano both hate the rain and neither want to go out in it.

I put Beano on the lead at 8:30 and walked him in to the front garden for a widdle, he looked completely dejected but he did comply.

At 10 o'clock we had a Tesco delivery, some of the drivers remember us from the marina which means Steve can chat to them about the why's and wherefore' s of what made us decide to leave.

There was a brief break in the rain so we took Beano out for a very short walk, it was wet underfoot so Beano was keen to return home. I've never had a dog before who hated the rain.

I bought enough stuff to make some soup for my lunches, Steve won't eat home made soup, only Knorr. I don't usually follow a recipe, it's a case of  chuck in a load of veg  and add some lentils. 

Steve may go away for the weekend with a friend, I hope he does, I think we both could do with a break.

Still no word from the solicitors, very tedious, I'm very keen to get moved in and settled especially as my eyesight is deteriorating so fast. 

 At least there is a pelican crossing nearby which will be a great improvement on the current situation. Which is a case of fingers crossed and run. I also have a walking trolley if I'm very unsteady on my feet. if don't use it currently as there is a very steep curb to navigate .

I do apologise for the total boredom of my posts but as I go nowhere and see no one it is difficult to know what to write about.


Cheryl Seaman said...

I don't find your comments boring. It is so hard to deal with the folding in of one's life and you certainly don't give in to a lot of self pity!!! Beano and your girls are great but I hope there is a senior center near your new place where maybe you can meet some like minded friends? Have you been able to visit the area and learn what is where? You may have said but I don't remember.

Catriona said...

Never boring and my heart goes out to you with all the waiting. Time apart will be a holiday for you both. Atriona

Hazel (Witchhazel] said...

I think I left an anonymous comment by mistake

Margo said...

Not Boring Hester. We all have to face changes in our lives as we grow older. It's good to talk.

Sue said...

Not boring at all, I think you stay remarkably cheerful considering your situation what with health and a move that is not going to plan at all.

I have a Pug that has always hated the rain and going out in it. Once her feet get wet, she's not too bad but getting them wet in the first place is a huge NO-NO to her. I understand her not liking getting her fur wet though as once she is soaked through it can take a good 12 hours for her to dry off, thank goodness I finally got her used to wearing a little waterproof jacket ... now I just have to work on getting her some wellies!!

LameWolf said...

I looked after a Yorkie who hated the rain. On one memorable occasion, he was really keen to go out, I got us both kitted up, he had his little jacket on with his name (Dave) embroidered on it... we got outside into the carport, he took one look at the falling wet stuff, gave me a look as though to say "If you think I'm going out in that, you're off your trolley, woman", pee'd against the wall of the carport, and fair STOMPED back to the front door. If you can imagine a tiny Yorkie stomping.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...