Friday, 11 May 2018

A warning to bullies

If you are 7 years old and think you are a hard nut, don't pick on a 7 year old girl who regularly play fights with her 14 year old brother.
Because even when you get your friends involved so it's 3 against 1, you still end up in tears whilst the girl walks away, head held high and without a mark on her.
You go girl!


Sue said...

Good for her 🙄

The more girls that believe in themselves and stand up to bullies the better. said...

I can't stand bullies, especially when they outnumber their victim. Glad she sorted them out and taught them a lesson.

Winters End Rambler said...

I always told my three...never do something first, but if someone does something to you do it back harder but make sure nobody sees! Bad parenting at its best!! x

Anonymous said...

At school I got ambushed on the way home by a few lads from the local secondary mod. My mum had always said that if I ever got set upon - "to ball up my little fist and lash out". I did with the ringleader and landed him a beauty in the eye - the gang were all so shocked that I was able to leg it home.

Thirty years later I was back in my village and I saw my assailant. He saw me and crossed the road looking sheepish.

It felt so good.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Lovely, heart warming story - women win in the end.


Beano gets more walks in the summer than in the winter. It's not the weather, we neither of us mind the cold. It's the shortness of ...