Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Beano is a grumpy old man.

We have two cockerpoos and a maltipoo living near us, both the cockerpoo are male, black and mad, the maltipoo is female, beige and slightly calmer.

Beano likes them all and long as they accept that he doesn't want to play he is fine. One of the cockerpoos still acts like a puppy and bounces around Beano, trying to get a reaction.

Beano grumbles and complains but eventually today he did play with Denzil. They ran around the field, chasing each other until Beano was tired. When we got home Beano slept for a couple of hours, worn out by his exertions.


Beth Waltz said...

Your post reminds me that adding a companion cat to the household -- to bolster the spirits and increase the activity level -- for the sake of my elderly tom cat might not work as well as I hope. He misses his recently deceased brother and so do I.

Sooze said...

Our Betty is very indifferent to other dogs, she's a people 'person', not a dog one.

Catriona said...

We all like an outing with a friend-well done Beano in accepting the paw of friendship. Catriona

Jaccs said...

Bless Beano, it’s good he has doggie freinds to play with! Grumpy old man Beano? Never he is too super cute x

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