Wednesday, 6 March 2024

No talking

I don't often talk to Steve, he refuses to wear his hearing aids as he doesn't think he needs them and he isn't interested in anything I may have to say.

If I do speak to him he makes a huge production of putting in his hearing aids, accompanied by much huffing and puffing. Obviously it is necessary to make me understand how much of an inconvenience I am.

He is greatly aggrieved with me going out with Betty, he feels I should stay in the flat apart from when I walk Beano.

He claims he worries when I go out, but he isn't worried enough to walk Beano with me even though he knows I have difficulty crossing the road.

Today Betty and I went to a local garden centre for lunch, jacket potato with tuna mayo from Dobies this time and then on to Asda for some shopping. I bought some grapes, no clothes for me, Betty bought some trousers. I'm out again tomorrow with my daughter,  Beano is coming with me.


lindsey said...

Make sure that you get out as much as you can. I’ve a feeling that it’s the only way you will survive. Love, as always, from Northern Ireland x

Rambler said...

Will you be able to talk to your daughter about Steve? I wonder if she knows what your life is like. Hopefully it will help you to see what she thinks might be a solution. Maybe a straight talk from her would shock Steve into behaving differently? Does she read your blog?

Moira said...

Anonymous said...

He can behave with others.
He can behave when he's out stuffing his face with junk food or getting drunk in the pub.
He can spend every dime on himself.
He can do what he pleases.
You need to stay locked in the house cleaning the messes he leaves.
No going out for you.
No friend's for you.
No life for you.
Your not even worth him speaking to you or listening to you.
Tell him to pack his beer, stinky air fryer and clothes and get the hell out.
Imagine life without all the misery he brings.
Please help yourself.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...