Saturday, 16 March 2024

Why I don't declutter

I've read a few posts from people who are decluttering.

This is something I don't do anymore, because I no longer have any clutter!

I had a big declutter when we moved on to the boat and I since then I've gradually disposed of more "stuff".

I can't see well enough to do any crafts, so my craft stuff has gone, mainly to my teenage granddaughter who is an avid crafter.

I got rid of my books when I could no longer see to read them, I bought a kindle and I can enlarge the print so I can still read.

There is still "stuff" in the flat but it isn't mine. I still have the minimum of clothes. I was buying new leggings regularly but I then bought Snag leggings and they don't wear out like the supermarket ones.

I'm still wearing the tops I bought before I retired, though I did buy a new one a few weeks ago from  Bon Marche. I threw away a top that had a burn mark on the hem.

I will need to buy some new socks soon as mine are wearing thin on the heels.

The weather is warming up so I will swap my tops and leggings for my four summer dresses.

I did throw away my old slippers and bought a new pair.

I hope the economy isn't dependant on my, if it is we are in deep dodah.


Lynda said...

I am definitely trying to buy much less…as there’s really not many places to shop here anymore, and I don’t go out much, it’s easier!

Catriona said...

Well done you on not having clutter. I am slowly getting there and also refusing things politely that people want to give me. I must try the Snag leggings as they come recommended by quite a few people. Catriona

Angela said...

I love snag tights, but not tried their leggings. Good to read a positive recomendation

Sue said...

I'm another one who has not tried the Snag leggings but can highly recommend the tights and the 'chub rub' shorts for under dresses in Summer. I think a lot of us are an advertisers worst nightmare, we don't fall for their 'you must have this' and 'you must have that' guilt trip techniques of flogging their wares.

Col said...

I can really recommend Snag tights, leggings, high waist knickers and full cup bras! I'm well rounded, with big boobs, and find all Snag undies and their leggings fit me really well! I only wear the leggings under long jumpers or tunic tops, but they're great, really comfy. I have a personal hatred of leggings which turn semi see through on the bum area, Snag definitely do not do this!
We've started seriously decluttering, big house to small bungalow, we've lived with too much 'stuff' for just over four years now, and have finally admitted defeat, so the charity shops around us are doing very well. I'm sure some of their staff get a tad apprehensive when we walk in with more bags and boxes, I'm gaining some space in my home, but they're running out of space to store our ex- stuff! X

Rambler said...

Yes, there's a lot of emails that start with 'Recommended for you . ' and adverts from online businesses where I might have had a look at an item, often advertising the very same items I've already bought.
I can't bring myself to part with my many books. even though I can only read the print with a magnifying glass. But like you, I'm very glad of my Kindle where I can enlarge the font. - Rosemary x

Nelliegrace said...

I did get the best discount I could on Snag tights by buying some for DD for Christmas and her birthday, and adding to the clutter here. If DD doesn’t like it, I can leave it all to the cats’ home.

We stocked up on woolly thermals in the sales, and got those ugly oodie things from Matalan, and some second hand, warm Guernsey jumpers, and Welsh Tapestry waistcoats on eBay, (thank you, Ration Book Rebecca,) and some extra wool blankets on offer. We were all prepared for the power cuts and high energy bills in 2022/23. I am not going to declutter those because of some fashionable minimalist guru says we should, and then have to buy it again, lower quality at higher prices.

We are having a year of not buying any new clothes or shoes, just to use and enjoy what we have.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...