Tuesday, 19 March 2024


Thanks for the suggestions but Steve won't eat the beef now what ever I do to it. There is far too much for me to eat, it would take me a month of Sunday's.

My face is no longer sore, I think it could have been stress hives, living with Steve means my life is full of stress. I know he hates me going out and mixing with the neighbours but I spent six years in isolation when we were on the boat and that was enough!

Steve is going into town today, it gives him an excuse to start drinking earlier than when he's home.

Beano is still a little under the weather, but it could be his age, he's eating normally, he's just not walking as far as he used to.

Lunch club today, another thing Steve hates me doing, I'm making a fruit pie today. I need to think of some more puddings as I'm tending to do the same few on repeat. I'm limited by one member of the lunch club who is allergic to milk. If I make a pudding with milk I have to make an alternative as well. Another member won't eat cake so nothing with a sponge topping.


Col said...

Can you chop the beef into chunks, then warm slowly in gravy for ages, then freeze it in portions, if not for Steve, for yourself!
It's far too expensive to waste!
Hope Beano's feeling more lively now! X

Anonymous said...

You could definitely slice that beef and heat it in gravy in the slow cooker it will go beautifully tender again, I've done it many times. Or you could make a lovely pot of stovies with it perhaps for lunch club. Stovies is a simple dish ideal for this situation.You just need leftover cooked beef or lamb cut up small,chunks of potato,diced onions, salt & pepper. I do it by eye as I make it quite often but a quick google will find you the recipe.
Cover with hot water, simmer on the hob until everything is tender, drain and mash. You can add a stock cube for more flavour if you wish, or make a gravy to go with it, I prefer it as it is but sometimes I like to sprinkle grated cheese on top,it's really delicious.
Hope you give it a try I hate to see waste especially when you can make a quick & easy tasty meal, love Carrie

Sue Smit said...

Could you use the meat for Beano if you chop it small?

Anonymous said...

Give the non-milk person some fresh fruit then the rest of you can enjoy rice puds etc.
Mince the drated beef into mince and make a cottage pie poss for lunch club?
Job done x

Beth Waltz said...

All of the suggestions for cutting up the beef and putting it in bags with gravy have worked for me. A cottage pie -- even if you use boxed potatoes -- might be a nice change for lunch club.

Beth Waltz said...

All of the suggestions for cutting up the beef and putting it in bags with gravy have worked for me. A cottage pie -- even if you use boxed potatoes -- might be a nice change for lunch club.

50 and counting said...

I have a food allergy. Not a dislike. I either eat what's offered, do without, or bring my own.

I'd love a lemon meringue pie or an omlette. I just don't want to use my epi pen.

So go with the offer apple, orange, banana for those who can't or won't eat what's offered.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...