Sunday, 10 March 2024

Hissing Sid

Sunday morning, Steve's not wearing his hearing aids so he's hissing as plays on his kindle.

He got up at 11 had a shower and his breakfast, at 11:45 he asked what time we were going out. I said " just before three I expect ".

Steve immediately started ranting, he needs to know exactly what time!

We live five minutes from the pub and the table is booked for three. 

Surely it's not rocket science to work out is it.


Sue said...

Perhaps you should start being VERY specific with him in instances like this. You should have said 'five and half minutes before three o'clock will be perfect ... make sure you're ready!'. :-)

flis said...

Sometimes when I have had enough nonsense I mouth the correction or pass a notelet x

Ellen D. said...

You both sound so miserable with each other. I am sorry you have to live with him.

Anonymous said...

MY husband had his stoke at 36 . After awhile I realized his anger was from fear. When he got weird about the time , I realized I could stop what I was doing and ask him what he was so worried about or I could just say 5-10 minutes before the time we were going to leave. It was always easier to be ready a little early . It is difficult to remember after a BIG medical crisis people get stuck in their fears and are unable to let themselves be / feel safe .

Anonymous said...

Run far,Run fast.
Don't look back.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...