Monday, 18 March 2024

Feeling stressed.

I'm worried about Beano, his nose is warm and dry and he hasn't wanted to go out for his usual walks today.

My face is sore it feels like it's been sandpapered, it's from my cheek bone up to my temple and very irritating.

Steve tried to cook a beef joint for Sunday lunch y'day, for some reason he cannot grasp the cooking instructions on the wrapper. He cooked it for hours as he thinks any meat juices mean it's not cooked. He finally took it out the oven at 9:30, by which time it was dried out.  He then went to bed in a strop. I've tried to explain to him how to cook but he takes no notice as he believes I'm too stupid to cook.

I'm now left with a large quantity of dry roast beef that Steve has sliced up. It's so wasteful, it was an expensive piece of beef, big enough to serve 6-8.

He cooked a chicken thigh for Beano too, in the air fryer, this too was cooked until it was hard and dry.

I'm living on cheese and pickle sandwiches as I can't eat beef that is like concrete.


Sooze said...

Sounds like neuralgia in your face, very painful that is. Hope Beano's going to be alright, it is a worry when our pet family are unwell. If Steve thinks he knows best about cooking, well then he'll have to eat the results. You have my sympathies x

Ruta M. said...

Can you rescue the beef by gently warming it in gravy or cooking it in a soup? It seems such a waste otherwise, or get him to take it to the lunch club and have everyone tell him how awful it is? Can't think what you have on your face, it sounds very painful. Hope you recover soon.

lindsey said...

Do you have another dose of Shingles? Just a thought - I hope not x

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Are you married to Frank Hester - the famous racist, misogynist and Tory party donor?

Yorkshire Pudding said...

You could cut that beef up into chunks and then make a stew from it. Time in the hot gravy water will soften it.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...