Thursday, 28 March 2024


We have a wardrobe in the bedroom that was left by the previous resident. It is perfectly sound but it smells of stinky feet.

I've tried every remedy I can think of and some I've googled but still it stinks.

The knock-on effect is that my clothes also smell of stinky feet!

I told Steve I was going to save for a new wardrobe over the next few months. I'd be happy with  second hand.

To start with Steve suggested that is was my clothes that were making the wardrobe smell, I explained that it isn't but he's not convinced.

We've been in the flat over a year now so I feel I've been patient long enough.

I'd be happy with a second-hand wardrobe from a charity shop but I know Steve wouldn't like that and I don't care enough to argue.

Steve then announced he'd transfer the money from the savings to pay for a new wardrobe.

All was going swimmingly until Steve decided he didn't like the way I was repeatedly saying "er er er". 

As I wasn't  saying anything, I suggested he put his hearing aids in!

A few moments later my phone pinged, it was a text message, my bank account was nearly in the red.

Cue much shouting from Steve, I asked if he'd ordered a  wardrobe and yes he had. From Amazon which is paid from my account. Had he done the transfer? No!

Steve was adamant that the money couldn't have been taken from my account already.

I left the flat with Beano and went for a walk.I

My new wardrobe will be here on 4th April.


Donna said...

I just have no words, so I'll just say nothing...I'm with you...smh (shaking my head)
Big hug

Col said...

Why does Steve not want a wardrobe from a charity shop? He's been using a second hand one since you moved into the flat!
You really do need to remove your bank details from the Amazon account, it'd be better to have to enter your details every time you buy something than risk going overdrawn when Steve shops!

Hard up Hester said...

Col, Steve uses a fitted wardrobe on the other side of the room.

Sue said...

You should unlink your bank account from Amazon immediately, this is going to keep happening. You'll never have an emergency fund at this rate.

My younger son collected teddy bears from car boot sales when he was little, he'd wander around with fifty pence in his hand until he found one he could afford. Once he bought 'Stinky Bear' ... gosh he stunk to high heaven, but we weren't allowed to get rid of him for years because 'no-one else will ever love him like I do'. I tried everything to make that bear smell neutral, nothing worked.

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor lady, how you bugger on I have no idea. Take care of you🙏. Jan in Castle Gresley

Corinne said...

Oh dear, you really do need to remove your bank details from the Amazon account, or set a separate Amazon account up for yourself. This will keep happening if you don't take it in hand.

When my daughter bought her house, the living room floor, which is like thick hardboard, stunk because the previous owners had left their dog all day, many times, and it had to go somewhere!
We found a company, Taylor McClure, which makes a spray on enzyme that eats the bacteria which make the smell. We had to do it a few times, but it did work. They sell stuff to hospitals and care homes to help with some of their problems.
I hope the new wardrobe fits!

Grandmamac said...

I don’t know how you cope! I am so sorry he changed so much and became so angry and controlling.

lindsey said...

Well, Sue, you are more tolerant than me. My DH knows what would happen if he chose and ordered a piece of furniture without telling me. I would not do that to him, either. I hope that you like the wardrobe when it arrives. I agree with the others that you need to hide your money and make sure that you are the only person who has access to your accounts. I do that and I’m fairly happily married!! Take care of yourself x

Siebrie said...

Can you cancel the purchase? Did Steve actually measure if it would fit? And I agree with the posters above: unhook your account from all purchase websites!

Corinne said...

Just a thought, how about buying a gift card from Amazon with a set amount of money on it, and make that the card that is used for purchases? It could be topped up by either of you when you want to buy something, and it cuts out your bank account.

ShellyC said...

You really need to gain control of your bank account before Steve really sets you up for a massive problem

Anonymous said...

Definitely remove your banking info off Amazon.
Hide all money and banking access from him.
If you don't your going to end up penniless.
From everything you say about him,he's mentally unstable and should not have control over any money. Not even his own.
Buy Amazon gift cards and use those.
I have been doing it for years because when your account gets hacked your banking information will be safe.Also log out of Amazon after each use,change your password.
Please do something, anything to protect yourself.

Beth Waltz said...

Here in the rural American Midwest people like to install a freezer in the garage dedicated to the storage of meat bought in bulk. (The "old fridge" houses the beer.) Unfortunately for a friend who was having storage units installed in her garage, the workmen unplugged the freezer, left it unplugged -- and so more than 100 lbs of meat spoiled. When the meat and been refrozen and discarded, the stench remained. Fortunately, another friend -- whose family owned a mortuary -- recommended saturating sponges with oil of wintergreen (available at the chemist) and leaving the sponges in the freezer "for as long as it takes". A week did the job.

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...