Friday, 29 March 2024

New neighbours.

A couple of days ago I met the couple who have purchased one of the flats here.

The flat is over two floors, has two bedrooms, two bathrooms and is in the listed part of the complex so has large, single glazed windows. The flat is also in need of a complete makeover as the previous resident was 102 and housebound, she moved in to an old people's home a few months ago.

Steve has said a few times that we should have purchased that flat instead of the one we did buy. It wasn't for sale when we were looking and anyway I didn't want anywhere with stairs as I find them difficult. Steve feels our flat isn't impressive enough though I've no idea who he wants to impress!

The new couple are both tall, slim and from South Africa, they have a small friendly Shih Tzu. They were in the car park as I returned from walking Beano and he was very keen to say hello.

I mentioned them to Steve when I got home and he was very pleased, he explained that I needed to make friends with the wife and stop going out with Betty. 

He's set me a list of tasks to ensure they like me, including asking if they'd like to come on a dog walk with me. I really wonder what planet he's on sometimes.

I'll admit I'm not good at making friends, mainly because of my deafness. Fortunately it will be 4 or 5 months before the new people move in.

Our mad cat lady is up in arms at the thought of another dog moving in, she claims her cat is already being terrorised by Beano and she's not sure the cat will cope with another dog in the building!


Anonymous said...

it'll be nice for you and Beano to have some more friends, you'll have someone else in your corner, you don't have to give up Betty though as I'm sure you won't. I hope the dogs get along, it will be so much fun if they get to walk and play together sometimes

Chris said...

It seems with Steve you can't do right from doing wrong, keep blogging and let off steam here, do your own thing and if it makes you happy, good for you. Every Blessing and Happy Easter xx

Chris said...

PS. Curses on those anonymous people who haven't the guts to sign their names!

flis said...

Mine is giving me advice regularly but as it's not very good advice I tell him - thankyou very much but I am nearly 65 x

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make if people don't use their names on anonymous posts Chris? Your comment is pointless and rude cursing people as gutless, not very Christian of you is it? There's plenty of caring and concerned posts for Sue from anonymous people. I don't have a Google account or a blog so choose anonymous. I could sign this comment as Annie, but that's not my name and you'd have no way of knowing or finding out.

Take care Sue, I hope your new neighbours are lovely and your friendship with dear Betty continues, *not Annie.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...