Thursday, 7 March 2024


I have six grandchildren that are blood relatives and none of them look like me.

That is until now.

One of my grandsons has green eyes that are just like mine in colour and shape.

I was in the delivery room when he was born and I held him first as his sister had already arrived and was in her daddy's arms.


nelliegrace said...

What joyful news! I am so happy for you.

Theresa Y said...

Congratulations! Nothing like a new baby to snuggle with.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post and such a blessing to you and your family, enjoy every moment with the new grand babies. Jan in Castle Gresley

Ana Dunk said...

Congratulations! Twins? New? Or he is just now beginning to look like you? I have one granddaughter who looks just like her mother who looks just like me. GD just turned 27.

Sue in Suffolk said...

I hoped one of my grandchildren would have black hair - but all 5 have failed me!!

Rambler said...

Congratulations on the twins and especially the joy of having a lookalike grandbaby.I hope you get to spend lots of time with them as they grow. - Rosemary x

Col said...

Our son has his Dad's brown wavy hair and my green eyes, daughter in law has very dark brown hair and green eyes, so we expected a brown haired green eyed grandchild.
What we got is a grey/light blue eyed, bright copper haired grandson who looks exactly like both his parents, but colouring wise, couldn't be more different!
I had my DNA tested two years ago, and found I am 18% Scandinavian, so perhaps the Viking blood has come through in grandson! X

Sue said...

What a lovely post. All the best people have green eyes. I only agreed to meet Alan because he slipped up on his online profile and said he had green eyes ... he doesn't they are blue. Perhaps I should ask for a refund. ;-)

Ellen D. said...

Congrats on the twins! Time to celebrate! :)

flis said...

I believe the universe has sent you a magical gift x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations ! What a wonderful blessing, such joy, love Carrie x

Donna said...

How wonderful!! Congratulations!

Corinne said...

How lovely! Congratulations to the family!😁

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