Monday, 12 August 2024

Cool mat.

I've ordered a new cool mat for Beano, the one recommended in the comments on my last post. It's fabric rather than plastic so hopefully Beano will like it.

It was sunny when I got up and walked Beano at 6:30, it seems be clouding over now and he has had his second walk though getting across the road to walk him is quite dicey. There are a lot of large lorries that thunder along this road and it is very bendy so quite difficult to see. I was taking to a neighbour who said a residents group has started to count the lorries as the number is increasing. It's gone from 100 a day to 450 in two years, which is quite a jump.

I'm not sure whether I'll go to the summer house this afternoon, it depends how warm it is. I'm hoping there is a quiz on Wednesday, last week it was held on Thursday morning so I couldn't go.

A new owner has moved into one of the upstairs flats, on-site here there is a cupboard for every four flats. The new owner is kicking off, she is an avid car booter and wants the cupboard for herself. The owners of the other three flats don't agree, it doesn't affect me, I'll get popcorn and watch the proceedings!


flis said...

Well she Does sound delightful x

Sue said...

Oh dear. Leave them to sort themselves out, it should prove very entertaining.

Sooze said...

How rude and entitled of her to think she can claim the space for her sole use - especially as a new resident. I'll have to look out for those cool mats made of material - we have one of the normal blue gel-filled ones for Betty but she refuses to lie on it!

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...