Tuesday, 27 August 2024

How much?

Steve decided to buy a leaf blower as we are surrounded by trees.

Unfortunately we are also surrounded by a high wall.

It didn't occur to Steve that there would be nowhere to blow the leaves to.

He spent £190 on the leaf blower I'm assuming it's gold plated at that price.

He used it y'day morning, he blew the leaves away from the front door, about 10 inches from the front door.

The leaf blower is now in the hall cupboard, I doubt it will see the light of day again!


flis said...

Oh no ! - I hope you don't mind my suggestion - but perhaps he may like to play with it at the entrance to the property grounds and up the road - Just to stop all of the leaves blowing into the gardens x

Nelliegrace said...

I think it is a man thing, to buy new, preferably noisy, tools for a job that doesn't need doing instead of doing the simple thing which needs doing. I agree, it will probably stay in the box. In his mind it is a job well done.
He will be so proud of himself.
Mine thinks saying that he will do something is the same as having done it.
When I have struggled and almost finished, as he sits watching sport, any sport, he says, “I would have done that,” and believes that he has done it.
Good luck to you.

Jaccs said...

Send it back, or resell on Market place, Steve needn’t know🤫

Margie from Toronto said...

You are a saint!

Siebrie said...

Can you clean it and send it back?
Also, please remove your details from the amazon account!

Anonymous said...

Time to have him declared mentally incompetent.
If you don't get some control over your joint financial
assets your going to end up in dire straights.
I don't mean this in a judgemental way.
But I'm reading the things you post and unless
You're rich he can't keep spending on crap day
In and day out. Get a family member to help you .
Start looking into what legal rights you have.
Get documentation from the bank, the grocery store,Amazon
Lock him out of the Amazon account TODAY.
I feel so sorry for your situation.
I can't do anything to help, but you must help yourself
before it's to late.

kate steeper said...

Arrrrggghhhhh....other half at least wouldnt buy a thing for the garden , but the other day a huge 5ft box arrived containing a huge new amplifyer for his van stereo , saw him ripping up the invoice on the quiet , then he later told me I need to be really careful on the grocery front because we are skint !!!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. My leaf blower also picks up the leaves. If you haven't done so, a quick check whilst Steve is out to ascertain if the blower picks up the leaves might be in order. Good luck. Gillian.

Anonymous said...

I agree to the re-selling suggestion. I do wonder IF Steve reads your posts and reacts by buying something expensive as a sort of spite or a way of using up extra money so there isn't enough for you to make radical changes? Just a thought?. Still best to shut down his access to YOUR own money via Amazon account etc. Sandra x

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...